Book a flight MULTI-CITY TRIP

With French bee, discover a new travel experience, and fly to Tahiti or Paris!

Departure date
Return date
Your departure
Your destination
Select the passengers
2-11 years old
The child must be at least 4 years old and less than 12 years old at the time of travel
< 2 years old
12-17 years old
You'll be able to select an optional assistance at the services step
Your travel dates
Your departure
Choose a date
Choose a date
Votre retour
Choose a date
Choose a date

Lowest fare

*Price including taxes, subject to availability, for one adult.
All fares are rounded up to the nearest euro/dollar.

Your travel dates
Your departure
Choose a date
Choose a date
Votre retour
Choose a date
Choose a date

Lowest fare

*Price including taxes, subject to availability, for one adult.
All fares are rounded up to the nearest euro/dollar.


Why book with French bee?

French bee offers a tailored trip to your needs, your desires, and your budget.

How do I book online ?

In order to buy your plane ticket, please choose your destination and fill in your dates of departure and arrival as well as the number of people traveling with you.

Once these fields are complete, you will be redirected to a page asking you to select the offer you would like (Basic, Smart, Premium)
French bee offers a variety of in-flight services so you can personalize your trip.

French bee offers a travel experience that reflects your style!